Monday, March 15, 2010

Old Friends become New Again

Yesterday I met up with two friends from high school.  I hadn't seen them in over 15 years.  So much changes in that amount of time.  Both of them have 3 kids, which just seems unreal to me!  We caught up on what has gone on in our lives and we reminisced about old times.  Its also interesting the things you find out when a lot of time has passed.  I thought one friend was mad at me at one point in high school.  She says she doesn't know what I was talking about.  LOL

We had lunch at Red Rock.  We talked for over 2 hours and I think the only reason we left the restaurant is because their kids kept calling, asking when they were coming home.  I guess the roles have switched.  It used to be the parents asking us when we planned on coming home, now it's 'our' children.  Either way, we still don't get the chance to just be left alone to do what we want!  ;-)  In fact all three of us are in school right now too.  Has life circled around?  No, I'm sure it's still a spiral, as I have said before.  We are together again, we are in school again, but we are older and wiser and certainly a lot less petty.  I hope, as I always do, that we will continue to learn and grow and that this time around we will recognize the lessons that are being taught, unlike in high school when all we felt was that the world was out to make us miserable. 

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